

Crazy, Stef, James, Andrew and I are off to Amsterdam tonight. Richard WAS going, but due to his recent spurt of success with the ladies, he has BAILED ON US GUYS after ALREADY PAYING and is taking off to Frankfurt this weekend instead to see his lady.

Crazy is in a particularly funny mood today and just sent this email around:

My name is Parko the Merciless and you are ALL UNDER MY POWER….

Look deep into my eyes… DEEP INTO MY EYES…

…it is true… I AM going to get a ROOT this weekend after having bailed from my mates BIG WEEKEND IN AMSTERDAM…

… the POWER OF THE PUSSY is just TOOOOO GREAT… muahahahaahaha! (evil cat laugh).

You will all get wasted, WASTED, WASSSSSTED I TELL YOU… muahahaha (second evil cat laugh).

Beware… BEWAAAAAAREEEEEE… cough. (evil cat fur-ball).

 Funny guy.


PHEW! (I think). Only ONE WEEK after I posted the BBC article that a NZ couple were gonna name their baby "4Real", I read in the Metro (the worlds largest free newspaper) this morning that an Australian couple look like they're gonna be naming their kid "Spider Pig":

I gotta love the fact that it was Stef (an Aussie) that pointed out the "4Real" article to me and he laughed at how mental Kiwi's were. BAH HA HA HA! If we're going down on the world stage, we're taking you Aussies with us...


Oh dear GOD! Now I've seen it all.

Guy's, is your neck feeling a bit too warm? Well, now you can solve that problem and remain single all in one fell swoop!

Here's the USB powered necktie:


Yeah, GOOD ONE New Zealander's! We hardly hear anything about tornado's ripping through the country wiping stuff out over here in the UK, but GOD HELP YA when you start trying to name babies "4Real", that makes it on the BB freaken C:

A couple in New Zealand is planning to call their newborn son Superman after officials rejected their original choice of 4Real.

Pat and Sheena Wheaton have been frustrated by rules in New Zealand banning names that begin with a number.

Mum and Dad decided to call their son 4Real after seeing an ultrasound image of him. It was then they realised that their baby was "for real".


BAH HA HA HA!!! It's a comical video bonanza today!

Shane sent in this video of how not to work out.

Ellie sends in THREE videos of "Fun in the cube farm". I had only seen one of these before:

video 1
video 2
video 3

I laughed at all of them. Enjoy!