Tyla's Pony


This is the personification of pure joy:

The pony is only 4 months old:

Tyla simply loves leading her pony around.

Mum says Everytime she falls over, he stops and waits, then she tugs the rope with a little grunt (Cos she pulls it fairly hard) and off they go again.

It's not allowed inside, Emma (my sister) gets the growling of "get that pony outside!" because Tyla is an Angel and would never do anything such as leading her pony into the house...

Here's Grandad:

I also have to include this pic, here is what Mum said about it:

Grandma and Emma were in the bedroom when they heard SILENCE.
Around the corner they found Rosie
(pet dog) and Tyla, eating Grandads nuts and raisins.  BUSTED!!
Rosie took off and left Tyla holding the evidence:
