Boat Party and Raving At The Fridge

(25/10/06) - Includes Raving Video


Me, Andrew, Lisa, Shea, Diana and Wendy went on a boat party last weekend. The boat was pretty classy, me-hearties:

Here's Lisa, Andrew, Shea, Wendy and Diana queuing up to get on board, ahoy!:

The great thing about boat parties is that you get a sweet view of London via the Thames (dah):

Afterwards we all took off to The Fridge in Brixton, which was mental:

Lisa didn't make it to the Fridge, for better (or worse):

Yeah, I might've been a wee bit wasted at this stage:

Shea and Diana. Shea is apparently Gay in this photo:

Andrew checking out the rather young ladies with a mini Jedi light-sabre in his hand:

Here's some trippy looking chick:

me getting lucky with Diana:

me getting lucky with Shea (just to even it out):

Diana showing that she can hold THREE glow-sticks, one in each hand and one...

Some freaky chick with Diana (getting loads of pics of Diana here, wonder why...):

Well, really, we all know why I took this pic:

And just to prove you don't have to be young to go to a rave (or wear fitting pants):


And now for the video, to REALLY give you a taste of what it was like!

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low-res (download)


By Tony Baker: email